MAGPIX® is the simplest and most affordable of Luminex’s
This compact multiplexing unit performs up to 50 different tests in a single reaction volume and reads a 96-well plate in just 60 minutes.
MAGPIX® features self-cleaning routines and magnetic bead compatibility (with MagPlex® beads), making the instrument easy to learn and
Experience the power of MAGPIX and perform up to 50 tests in a single reaction volume.
The MAGPIX System features an innovative design based on imaging technology that allows for a more compact, robust system. It’s also easy to operate
and maintain with streamlined start-up and shutdown protocols and easy-to-perform preventative maintenance. MAGPIX is supported by a broad menu
of commercially available assay kits, as well as reagents to build your own assays.
NxTAG Gastrointestinal Pathogen Panel (RUO)
Key MAGPIX features : Multiplexing: Up to 50 analytes per sample
Sensitivity : Approximately 106 copies of DNA or single-digit picogram levels of protein Dynamic Range (Typical): ≥3.5 logs
Read Time : 96-well plate in ≤60 min (up to 4,800 tests/hour)Daily Start-Up/Shut-Down: ≤15 min
Footprint : 3 ft linear bench space